How to Change Subject in CBSE Class 10 or Class 12?


Ideally, CBSE wants its students to study similar subjects in Class 10 or Class 12 that they studied in Class 9 or Class 11 respectively. As per the scheme of studies, Class 10 (including Class 9) and Class 12 (including Class 11) are 2-year courses. Hence, board wants students to opt for only those subjects in Class 9/11 which they would continue in Class 10/12. However, if a student wants to change his subject in Class 10 or Class 12, will he be allowed to do so? Can a student change his subject(s) in Class 10 or Class 12? 


How to Change Subject(s) in CBSE Class 10 and Class 12? 

You would be happy to know that CBSE does allow its students to change their subjects in Class 10 or Class 12. But, interested student must submit his application within prescribed time limit, along with supporting documents.



For changing subjects in Class 10 or Class 12, an application needs to be submitted to School Principal by parents on behalf of their ward. Reason for changing subject should be mentioned and relevant documents in support of your request should also be attached with your application. A student should present genuine reason why he wants to change his subject in the final year. It should also be noted here that student could demand only those subject(s) as replacement or new subject which is already available in the school. 


If a student has changed his school in Class 10 or Class 12 and wants to change his subject then he needs to submit report card of previous class and transfer certificate of old school along with his application. If a student is seeking to change his subject due to medical condition then he is required to submit medical certificate from a government hospital. 


After submission of your application, school will analyze your application and take proper action accordingly. School will look whether your reasons are genuine and will examine whether you are able to cope up with your current subject(s) or not.  


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