JNVST 2018: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti which works under MHRD has invited application forms for admission in class 6 of Navodaya Vidyalaya operating in 28 states and 7 UTs. This application is for the academic session 2018-19. The last date for uploading JNVST 2018 online application form in the Common Service Centre office is 25 November 2017.

According to Navodaya Vidyalaya scheme, one such school is opened in each district of India. Currently, there are 660 Navodaya Vidyalayas in different parts of the country. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of working Navodaya Vidyalayas, where 76 such schools are present. Madhya Pradesh is second in the list where 53 Navodaya Vidyalaya are present.

75 percent seats are reserved under rural quota for candidates from rural areas. These candidates must have studied in class 3rd, 4th and 5th in a school located in a rural area. Rest 25 percent seats are open for candidates from urban areas. One-third seats are also reserved for girl candidates. 

Eligibility for JNVST 2018
1.   The student must be reading in class 5 in 2017-18 and his birth date should not be before 1 May 2005 or after 30 April 2009.

2.   A candidate can apply for JNVST only when in his/her district there is a Navodaya Vidayalaya.

3.   Students who have not taken admission in class 5 till 15 September 2017 are not eligible to appear in this exam.

4.   Selected candidates would be admitted in class 6 only when they pass class 5.

5.   Students who have appeared in JNVST before cannot apply for this exam.

How to apply for JNVST?
Candidates willing to apply for JNVST 2018 must obtain a certificate from their current school head master. The format of this certificate is available on the website of JNVST.

After obtaining required certificate from school head master, candidates along with their guardian need to contact Common Service Centre for uploading application. Candidates will get their admit card for the selection test from this centre only.

Exam Pattern of JNVST 2018
1.   In JNVST 2018, 100 multiple choice questions will be asked. Students need to answer these questions within 2 hours. Each question carries 1 mark.

2.   50 questions will be of Mental Ability Test.

3.   25 questions will be asked in Arithmetic Test.

4.   25 questions will be from Language Test. 

5.   For mental ability section, students will get 60 minutes. For answering questions from Arithmetic and Language sections, students will get 30-30 minutes.

6.   For detailed information regarding syllabus, download the prospectus of the exam from JNVST official website i.e. http://nvshq.org.

Dates of Selection Test
JNVST 2018 selection test will be conducted on 10 February (Summer Bound JNVs), on 8 April (Winter Bound JNVs) and on 9 June (Extremely Winter Bound JNVs).

In Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, no fee is charged from students reading in class 6 to class 8. Students are provided free lodging, food, school uniform and book facilities in different Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas of the country. Students reading in class 9 to class 12 are charged only 600 Rupees per month. 

Result of JNVST 2018
JNVST 2018 result will be announced in the first week of April or May for summer bound, last week of May for winter bound and first week of July for extreme winter bound Navodaya Vidyalayas. The result will also be displayed on the official website of JNVST.


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