How to fill JEE Main 2016 Application Form?

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the application form of JEE Main 2016. Candidates can fill application form of JEE Main 2016 only through the online mode. The application form can be filled on the official website of JEE Main i.e. The last date to fill the online application form of JEE Main 2016 is 31 December 2015.

JEE Main 2016 Exam Fee

JEE Main 2016 exam fee can be submitted either through credit/debit cards or through e-Challan of Syndicate/ Canara/ ICICI/ HDFC bank. Please note that additional processing fees will be charged while submitting exam fees through credit or debit card. 

Pen & Paper Based Exam
Computer Based Exam
Paper-1 (B.E/B.Tech) Only
Exam Centre
Paper-1 or Paper-2
Both Paper-1 and Paper-2
Paper-1 or Paper-2
Both Paper-1 and Paper-2

Before filling online application form, please ensure that you are eligible to sit in the examination. Let us see, how to fill application form of JEE Main 2016.

1)      Visit the official website of JEE Main i.e.

2)      Click on Apply for JEE (Main)-2016 > Apply for JEE (Main)-2016 > Proceed to Apply Online

3)      Fill exam related details like paper you want to appear, mode of examination and medium of question paper

4)      Enter personal details like name, father’s name, mother’s name, category

5)      State of Eligibility: (a) Select the state from where you have passed or are appearing in the class 12 board exams. (b) If you have passed class 12 board exams from one state and have appeared in the improvement exam from other state, you must select the state from where you have originally passed in the board exam. (c) Candidates who have passed class 12 board exams from abroad institutes must select their native state mentioned in their passport. (d) Candidates from countries like Nepal and Bhutan can select Nepal/Bhutan from the list.

6)      Physically handicapped candidates should select “Yes” in “PwD”, others should select “No

7)      Fill Date of Birth carefully and select nationality. Please note that OCI/Foreign/PIO candidates cannot take admission to NITs, IITs and CFIs through JEE Main.

8)      If you have Aadhar Number then fill it or you can leave the concerned box blank

9)      Fill Academic details, correspondence address and guardian details carefully

10)  Password: You need to select 8-13 characters long password which can be used for future logins. Your password must contain at least one upper and lower case alphabet each, one numeric value and one special characters. For example your password can be like RaM09@10# or My09@10#

11)  Select a security question. For example you can select “Which book do you like?” In the answer you can fill your choices like “Playing it My Way”.  

12)  After submitting your application form, note down the computer generated application number. You can use application number and password for future logins. Never disclose your password.

13)  After filling application form, upload the scanned images of your photograph, thumb impression and signature. Size of scanned images of thumb impression and signature should be between 1kb to 30 kb.

14)  Photograph requirements: Your colour or b/w photograph with clear contrast should be in jpg or jpeg format. The photograph must bear name of the candidate and date of taking it at the bottom. Size of your photograph must be between 4kb to 40kb. Dimension of photograph should be 3.5cm (Width) × 4.5cm (Height). Thumb impression and Signature should have size between 1kb to 30kb and dimension of 3.5cm (Width) × 1.5cm (Height)

15)  Submit exam fees through credit/debit cards or through e-Challan.

16)  After payment of exam fees, candidates must select the date/slot for the computer based exam or they will be assigned date/slot randomly

17)  Application form hard copy or confirmation page should not be sent to JEE Main Secretariat. But you can retain the confirmation page for future reference. 

Candidates can modify entered particulars before the payment of exam fees or e-Challan download. Afterwards no changes can be made. For valid reasons, board may allow you to do so in the month of January 2016.

You can submit only one application form of JEE Main 2016. Multiple submissions are liable to be rejected. Hence, fill the application form very carefully.


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