How to prepare for IBPS PO Exam?

IBPS will conduct Common Written Examination (CWE) this year for the recruitment of approx 25,000 Probationary Officer (PO) in the 22 nationalized banks of India. Registration for the Common Written Examination has already completed. Based on the marks obtained in CWE banks conduct interview and selected candidates are recruited for different posts. Though RBI (Reserve Bank of India) and SBI (State Bank of India) are not associated with IBPS but for the recruitment of PO and other posts in remaining nationalized banks IBPS conducts CWE every year.

Common Written Examination will be conducted by IBPS on 11, 12, 18 and 19 October and on 1 and 2 November 2014. In the written examination Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General English, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge consist of 200 marks. If you want to make your career in the banking industry, start preparing for the IBPS CWE. Let us see how to prepare for the IBPS PO Exam?

·        In order to succeed in the IBPS PO exam you need to prepare each and every subject properly from which questions are frequently asked in the Common Written Examination
·         Give equal important to all sections 

·         Try to solve practice or sample papers regularly

·     Read newspaper to keep yourself updated with the latest happenings around the world. Reading English newspaper will help you while solving questions based on English comprehension

Let us see the IBPS PO Question Paper pattern and also some important tips to solve them. IBPS CWE question paper consists of five sections which have been mentioned below.
1)      Quantitative Aptitude
2)      Reasoning
3)      Computer Knowledge
4)      General Awareness
5)      General English

Quantitative Aptitude

a)      This section is little bit difficult because it involves lots of calculation which consume some time during examination
b)      In this section 40 percent questions are related to data interpretation. Four questions are asked from Pie-chart, Bar-graph and table form
c)      Not many questions are asked from Percentage, Average and Profit and Loss. But better practice of these will help you in data interpretation
d)     While solving questions from approximation use appropriate mathematical formulas


a)      This section will help you in scoring high marks but at the same time questions from this section will take some time. Usually all questions are logical and hence try to develop innovative thinking within yourself which will help you in gaining speed.
b)      Two questions of 10 marks are asked from non verbal reasoning which are from analog series. This subject is important and bit easier.
c)      From Circular Arrangement 5-mark question is asked which consumes more time 

Computer Knowledge

a)      Computer terminology, MS Office, E-Commerce, Internet and other topics carry 50 marks
b)      Questions related to Internet carry 12 marks
c)      Questions linked to Memory, Software concepts and Terminologies are bit difficult. Computer Science students will find this section easier
d)     Questions are also asked from MS Word/ Excel/ Power Point. Though you may be working with these programs regularly but basic understanding of these programs are mandatory.

General Awareness

a)      In this section questions related to current affairs, sports, banking, literature and economy are asked frequently
b)      Out of 50 marks in this section, 17-mark questions are from banking awareness. With better understanding about share holders of nationalized banks and saving scheme you can score higher
c)      Current affair questions which are of 9 marks are generally based on national and foreign events happened in the last 9 months
d)     2 to 3-mark questions are asked from national and international economic policies

General English

a)      Two questions of 15 marks are asked from reading comprehension. Read the given passage carefully. If you find the correct answers initially then it is not mandatory to read entire passage
b)      Para formation questions are basically similar to that of jumbled sentences. You need to arrange them properly
c)      Under close set 15 questions are asked. These questions are in the form of paragraph in which blank spaces are left for some words
  Always remember that for every wrong answer marks will be deducted in the IBPS PO exam. Hence it will be better for you not to attempt those questions in which you are not fully confident.


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