How to Prepare for Class 10 Board Exam?

Securing good marks in class 10 board exam is vital for taking admission in better schools and colleges in class 11. Students who are willing to opt for Science or Commerce stream in class 11 must perform well in the class 10 board exam to get admission in good schools. In other words it can also be told that better performance in the class 10 board exam is the first key to success in life. Let us see how to prepare for class 10 Board exam which is conducted by CBSE, ICSE and other states of India.

If you want to secure good marks in the class 10 Board exam then you must start preparing for it from the beginning of the academic session. Don’t think that you will be able to complete the syllabus in the last two months. You should focus more on those subjects which you find little bit difficult. Take the help of your teachers to clear your doubts. Group study is also a good way to solve problems. Take the help of friends who are good in a particular subject and you find yourselves weaker in that. 

Often some students start fearing from a subject simply because either they are not interested in that or they never try to understand the basic concepts of that subject. For example many students face problems in Mathematics. Instead of solving problems regularly they start running away from this subject and eventually it leads to poor performance in the board exam. Hence students weaker in Mathematics must try to solve at least five problems daily to feel confident. Never shy away from asking questions from your teachers because they are there to help you.

You should also prepare notes of subjects like Science and Social Science. Subjects like History, Geography, etc can be well prepared by making notes. It will help you significantly during the board exam. It is very common that on a day just before your examination you will feel that you have forgotten everything in a particular subject. In that situation reading entire book again is almost impossible. But if you have notes of that subject then it will help you tremendously. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are reading in a CBSE or ICSE affiliated school. Your primary goal should be to complete your entire syllabus before December. And then look to revise the learned chapters. Revision is highly necessary to get good marks in the board exam and to avoid forgetting learned chapters. Solve sample papers regularly to erase exam fear from your mind. One thing that you must always remember is that entire questions asked in the board exam will be from your syllabus only. And hence do not carry unnecessary stress on your head.   

NCERT books are highly recommended for the class 10 CBSE Board exam. Almost all questions will be asked from it. Hence go through NCERT thoroughly to secure good marks in the exam. Don’t leave any topic thinking that it is not important because every line of NCERT is highly important for the class 10 Board exam. Prepare an ideal timetable and give equal time to all subjects may it be Science, Mathematics, Social Science, English or Hindi. Never neglect any subject. Hard work always reaps reward and ultimately you will also succeed in achieving your ultimate goal.


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