Cut Off Marks of AIPMT 2015

CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has declared the results of AIPMT (AII India Pre Medical/ Dental Test) 2015. Based on the results of AIPMT 2015, 15 percent Medical seats for MBBS or BDS courses in different government and private Medical Colleges of India will be filled. AIPMT conducted by CBSE on 3rd May 2015 was earlier cancelled by the Supreme Court of India. Following the order of the apex court of India, the Medical Entrance Exam was conducted again on 25th July and result was declared on 17th August.

AIPMT is considered one of the toughest competitive exams in India due to fewer seats available in different Medical or Dental colleges of the country. More than 6 Lakh candidates appeared in the exam this year. But, approx 3000 of them will achieve their dream of becoming doctor. Candidates securing cut off marks will be called for counselling and 15 percent MBBS/BDS seats will be filled across the country.  The cut off marks of AIPMT 2015 has gone higher than the last year. Only the cut off marks of ST category is same as that of last year.


 a)      For General or Unreserved category students, cut off marks of AIPMT 2015 is 453. It is 15 marks higher than the last year. AIPMT Topper has secured 695 marks this year.

b)      For OBC students, cut off marks is 450, 16 marks higher than the last year.

c)      For SC and ST students, AIPMT 2015 cut off marks are 324 and 288 respectively. Apart from ST category, cut off marks are higher for each category this year. 

CBSE has declared the AIPMT 2015 results based on the rules and regulations of Medical Council of India (MCI). AIPMT 2015 member States and Universities will declare their own cut off lists soon. So remain in contact with the official website of respective States and Universities.


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