How to prepare Physics for Class 12 Board Exam?

Physics is a very important subject for both board exams and various competitive exams. Securing good marks in Physics along with other subjects can almost guarantee you a higher percentage in the board exams as well as a good rank in different competitive entrance exams. Students who are weaker in Mathematics often find Physics difficult too. Over the last few years, the number of students failing in Physics in class 12 board exams has increased. How to prepare Physics for class 12 board exam? What are the important topics?  Let me answer these questions one by one. 


Physics Importance 

Physics is a very interesting subject if you are good at it. But it can be disastrous, if you are weaker in this subject. A few years back, CBSE changed the pattern of question paper a little bit to test the concepts of students. Hence, your basic concepts should be clear to obtain good marks in it. Poor marks in Physics can ruin your dreams of getting good percentage in the class 12 board exam. 


It is a very important subject because, in addition to board exams, you need good marks in it to qualify in various competitive exams too. Because of weaker Mathematics background, students preparing for medical exams like NEET often find Physics troublesome. In NEET, 25 percent of the questions are asked from it. And a bad performance in it can spoil your dream of becoming a doctor. Similarly, in JEE Main and Advanced too, you must perform well in Physics to get the desired higher rank. 


Also Read: How to Pass in Chemistry in CBSE Class 12 Board Exam?


Marks Distribution and Question Pattern 

After the pandemic, the Physics Syllabus was revised, and several topics were deleted. In Board Exam 2024 too, questions will be asked from the revised syllabus. Marks distribution from various units of Physics has been mentioned below. 


CBSE Class 12 Physics Marks Distribution 2024

Looking at the above mentioned marks distribution you can easily sort out the important units which can fetch you higher marks. About 20 percent questions will test HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) of students. To secure over 90 marks, these questions will play crucial role. 


Important Topics 

A student who wants to secure more than 90 marks must give all topics equal importance. But, if you are weaker in Physics and want to just obtain passing marks, then these important topics become crucial, and they should be read first. We have prepared a list of important topics in another post- “How to Pass in Physics in CBSE Class 12 Board Exam?” These topics are important as questions from these have been asked frequently over the past few years. 


Which book should be read for preparing Physics? 

NCERT is the most valuable and important book, not only for the class 12 board exam, but also for the various competitive exams like JEE (Main and Advanced), NEET, etc. Many students find Physics difficult to study through NCERT. In that scenario, you should take help of reference or side-books. But always study only those topics, which are in NCERT. Reading extra stuffs will only kill your precious time.  
Some of the recommended reference books and sample papers for class 12 board exam preparation have been listed below. You can buy these books from Amazon using links given below at amazing discounts. 


How to Prepare Physics for Class 12 Board Exam? 

  • Avoid Physics-Phobia: Many students who are not so good in Mathematics think that it is their destiny to be weaker in Physics too. This negative thinking should be avoided as it becomes the biggest hurdle in their path of success. 


  • Physics is not Mathematics: You may be weaker in Mathematics, but it cannot stop you from succeeding in Physics. Yes, it is a fact that you need some calculation skills to excel in it. But, in addition to it, you need to learn other stuff too. For example- some topics from Optics, Modern Physics including Electronics (Semiconductor) hardly require higher mathematical skills. You can perform well in these units. 


  • Take interest in Physics: Unless you take interest in it, you will not succeed even after doing lots of hard work. 


  • Physics is not limited to Numerical: Many students avoid Physics thinking that it is loaded with numericals. To a certain extent, they are right. Numerical problems are in almost every chapter of Physics. But, in class 12 CBSE board exam, you will be asked numericals of 15 marks only. So, don’t waste your time solving too many numerical problems. If you find it tough, leave this section and proceed ahead, prepare other sections. Study theoretical portions properly.  


  • Learn all Formulas thoroughly. Revise them regularly. Try to solve 5-10 numerical problems based on learned chapters daily. Consult your teachers and friends for any help. You can also participate in group discussion.

  • For class 12 CBSE, ICSE and other state board exams, Modern Physics is very important. Students who are weaker in Mathematics must prepare these chapters like “Electronics”,Dual Nature of Radiation”,Atoms” and “Nuclei” properly as they do not require mathematical skills much. These chapters are equally important for competitive exams too. 


  • Optics” is a very important unit for board exams. In CBSE class 12 board exam, it carries 14 marks. Never neglect this unit. Chapters like “Electrostatics”,Current and Electricity”,Magnetism” and “EMI and AC” should be prepared from the very beginning of the academic session. 


  • Study Physics regularly: While preparing Physics, it should not be like that you learn a chapter today then leave the subject unattended for the next 2 to 3 days. Instead, after learning a chapter, practice different types of numerical from it. At least an hour of regular self-study is a must for better preparation in Physics. 


  • All your preparation should revolve around NCERT. Whether you are preparing for board exams (CBSE, ICSE or others) or competitive exams, the NCERT book is vital. Lots of direct questions are asked from it even in various entrance exams. You can take help of side-books too. But try to cover all NCERT topics, if you want to get 90 plus marks. 


  • Go through previous 5-to-10-year question papers. You will get an idea about the question pattern, and it will also help you in shortlisting important questions. Solving sample papers, even weekly, will boost your preparation tremendously. 


  • Revision is probably one of the most crucial steps to get good results. Keep revising learned chapters and formulas to avoid forgetting them. It will help you significantly. 


  • Don’t wait for tomorrow: Start your preparation from today itself. Try to complete your syllabus by December. So that, from January onwards, you just need to revise learned chapters and solve sample papers. You must look to avoid last month’s preparation. 


If you run away from Physics, difficulties will continue to chase you. You just need to ignite a candle of hope that you can study Physics and secure good marks in it. Success will come your way. You just need to conquer your “Fear of Physics, Physics will be conquered automatically.  

We hope the above tips help you. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to comment below or ask them on our Telegram Channel (@ExamsHub)


  1. Are additional exercise questions in ncert physics are also important for board exams they're very tough.....plz help

    1. They are for the brilliant students. But CBSE hardly asks questions from them. If asked, then it will be for few marks. Undoubtedly they are tough.


    2. That's my fav. I like to solve them as it clear all the concepts after theory

  2. Sir I feel very difficult in Dual nature, Atoms and nuclei, communication system and wave optics, How should i prepared for board exm although it is a peak tym.?

    1. But all above mentioned chapters are not only important for your board exam, they are also equally important for the competitive exams. You must prepare them well. You can prepare them through Xam idea. You can also read these chapters through notes.


  3. SIR
    Is NCERT important for ISC board too??
    as i want my board exam to be best first than any competitive exam.Plzz tell me should i prefer NCERT?

    1. NCERT is important if you are going to appear AIPMT or JEE after your board exam. But as you stated your concerns in your another comment so I would suggest you to go with what your school teachers have suggested to you. NCERT covers almost all important topics for class 12 hence it is widely followed in all board exams. Please consult your teacher to clear your doubts.

  4. sir i want to score 90+in boards plz help me to achieve my target

    1. To get 90 plus in the board exam only you can work harder. Revise learned chapters and then practice them by solving sample papers like Evergreen.

  5. hello sir
    i read your advice to other student i am to nervous about my physics. actually i dont have tution facility nor coahing centers as i live in a rural industrial town. I feel so low and cofindentless with the preperation for board as i have self studied can u please advise me some tips for last moment scoring

    1. Never give up. Complete chapters like current and electricity, optics and Modern Physics first which are the most important ones for both board and competitive exams. Do not lose your hopes and solve sample papers regularly.

  6. sir is it enough to solve all sets of previous 5 years question paper of physics. my another question is can sometime it happens that the question exactly match from the previous year question paper.

    1. Solving previous year papers will surely help you but I cannot say it would be enough. Yes, some questions may match from previous year papers.

  7. sir, I am weak in physics. I forgot physics even after reading it twice and I have no interest in physics and feel bored in reading this.i am preparing for AIPMT so I must score good marks in physics. I don't have any problem with chemistry and biology but physics.....!!! please help...

    1. Always remember that you are not the only person experiencing it. For cracking AIPMT you must secure average marks in Physics too. Solve sample papers and focus more on modern physics, optics and electronics which are easier but important chapters for board and AIPMT.

  8. Will I be able to score 90 above in physics if I go for ncert only

    1. Absolutely. You must concentrate only on NCERT books to secure over 90% in each subject in class 12 Board Exam may it be Physics or Chemistry or any other subject

  9. hi sir,
    I unfortunately failed in my preboards. Ibe been struggling with physics. I havent covered ncert yet. I wanna know in chptrs like electrostats,magnetism,ac,optics,communication...would doing only ncert questions and theory be a guarantee to score 90+ or should refer to some other book also.
    Im left with only 2 months

    1. First of all make a realistic target. Complete Modern Physics, Optics, Current and Electricity initially and then look for other chapters. you will get good marks in the board exams.

  10. Sir, Is NCERT all enough for going through JEE main and advanced?

    1. NCERT is the best book for the preparation of JEE Main. For Advanced too, it is highly recommended.

  11. Salutations to u sir,,,,1st of all thnx a lot to u sir for answering each queries.this were so helpfull that i was able to clear each and every doubt,but i would like to know that can i get good marks in physics having 1 and half months left as i had only gone lightly through the topics and think that really need a hard work after seeing my preboard result?????and if yes how???

    1. Still you have sufficient time for the board exam preparation. But, from today start following a strict time table. Prepare Modern Physics including Optics and current and electricity first which are very important. Solve previous five year questions and you will get desired result.

  12. sir i have read all the chapters of physics ncert once...i have brought xamidea but it contains a lot of question...i am in total confusion to do revise from xamidea or not as i have to revise chem and maths also..plse guide me....

    1. Revise topics which are in the NCERT book and nothing else


    1. Undoubtedly, they are difficult. But ensure that you solve enough numericals from sample papers based on NCERT. Questions are asked from Exercise, so don't ignore it. Additional exercises are not so important.

  14. Sir the question that is dwindling in my mind is that while writing derivations will we write as it is given in ncert or we can follow the pattern that we read in side books because the derivations in ncert are very confusing and difficult to understand

    1. Yes, you can follow sidebooks or even the notes of your teacher while writing derivations

    2. Thanx a lot sir.I just had the fear that I would lose marks if I would not write it according to ncert

  15. i am good in science and i am very interested in biology first and chemistry next.............
    as u have written in the above content, the students who are not enthusiastic with maths feel bored with physics,yes i am one of the students among them.

    So what to do better like how much time should i spend daily for physics to score better cut off marks for medicine

    1. At least 2 hrs of regular study daily will surely help you getting better in Physics. Solve numericals after theory to clear concepts.

  16. Sir plzz tell me how to study physics....u r saying to learn from ncert but the language in physics ncert is not so easy to understand unlike chemistry ncert which is easily understandable...what should i do?
    When u were in class 12th did u read every line of ncert and underline it??

    1. Hi Akash, you raised a very valid point. You don't need to read NCERT Physics line by line. But while referring to sidebooks, ensure you are covering every topic of NCERT as they are very important for the board exam.

    2. Ok sir....which side book would u prefer sl arora or pradeep

    3. You can go for any of them

  17. Dear sir,

    I'm preparing for my 12th boards. I want to know whether I should practice the questions given at the end of each chapter in the Physics NCERT book or not?

    Also, I need help how to write better answers. Most of the time, I know the answer but I get too confused while writing it down.

    1. Some of those questions are often asked, so go through them at least one time. Try to write answers point wise to make them easy to read and avoid confusion. If you succeed in mentioning important points, you will get full marks.

  18. sir how can i get passing marks in physics because this subject is so difficult for me.

    1. Hi Tushar, above article and comments should have solved your problem but if not then please read "How to Pass in Physics in CBSE Class 12 Board Exams", an article already published on Exams Hub. It will answer your queries and clear your doubts.

  19. Sir,
    Suggest me,Among Arihant's chapterwise solutions(10-year) and Xam idea which is best for PCM (CBSE +2)

  20. Sir....I am having a lot of problem in wave is really very confusing.. and secondly, are Oswaal question banks good for revision?

    1. Yes, Wave Optics is lengthy but important too. You are solving question bank which is good. Identify important questions which are asked frequently from this chapter and complete them first.

  21. Sirr for my physic board examination only about one month is left and i am not sure about any topic i new many chapters but when i used to solve questions i always remain blanck and seems as know nothing?? Sir please give a tip show that i just only get about 50 marks in physic?? My parents have great hope for me

    1. First of all, have a realistic target. Identify chapters in which you feel comfortable and prepare them well. Solve sample papers and previous 10 year question paper. Regular practice is key to success in Physics. Modern Physics including Optics and Semiconductor should be prepared well. Only by regular study, you can excel in Physics and at last study with interest.

    2. Thank you sir but i am finding very difficulty in Ray opticss??? Can i leave itt?

    3. Give it a try because it is an important chapter.

  22. Hello Sir on 4th feb there is my board physic practical and i know nothinf about itt? I dont know how to take readings and all? Sir what should i do in these 2 Days

    1. In practicals, others cannot suggest you. I will recommend you to learn the readings from your notebook because not much time is left. Also learn the procedure to take readings as it can be asked in viva.

  23. Sir i am done with chapters dual nature, atoms, nuclei, communication systern. Half part of Ray and wave optics. I also had completed Em waves magnetisam and matter , half part of Electrostatic and current electricity i also hadd completed??? Sir now i am ready with physic or not to score 50 marks in board exam

    1. Semiconductor? It is also very important, carries 7 marks. Focus on revision and solve previous year papers. Your marks will depend only on your preparation.

  24. Sir xam idea can cover all ncert and helpful in getting 90% in 12th with PCB

    1. NCERT should be read carefully and you can take help of any sidebook.

  25. Sir I Hav to give compart exams in physics.. suggest sum book or sum idea how to get at lest 25 marks.exam is in July

    1. Please read our another post "How to Pass in Physics in Class 12 board exam?" for the list of important topics. You can take help of any sidebook in addition to NCERT like Xam idea or others.

  26. Sir numericals r my only weak point but I want to score above 80 what shld I do?

    1. Practice hard. NCERT topics should be covered well. Try to solve at least 5 numericals of different types daily. Revise learned chapters and formulas regularly. You will do well.

  27. Sir I'm finding physics difficult due to lack of grip in this subject . At present I'm having 6 months for developing my grip in physics if I will solve at least 10 questions on daily basis and focus only on NCERT stuff then it would be sufficient or I need some extra stuff or method also .. PLzz help

    1. Yes, if you do that you will succeed. For understanding NCERT topics you can take help of reference books. But, don't read topics which are not in NCERT.

    2. You will only get better by solving different variety of numericals. Don't leave NCERT numericals and in addition you can solve them from any other books, provided they are based on NCERT topics.

  28. Hello sir,
    I want to know that which is the best way for derrivations in board exams. I am not understanding by which method i should do the derrivations Because there are several method of doing derrivations.

  29. sir is 4 hour for physics each chapter enough to get good marks
    thank u sir hats ff to u how answered all the quries

    1. It depends on how much you have read in those four hours. But, 4 hours daily to physics, is the ideal way to obtain good marks in it.

  30. Sir I am facing difficulties in learning derivations.... How to start and how to move on to next step all these are problem for me..even after writing it I forget it.. Suggest a pattern so that I could learn derivations effectively...

    1. To have a complete command over derivations, you need to understand them first. Then, after learning it, practice it by writing repeatedly. Do it again and again till you feel confident and it will work. Regular revision is must to avoid forgetting them again.

  31. Sir are you sure that additional exercise from ncert physics textbook will not come in 2017 physics exam??

    1. Additional exercise questions are not frequently asked in the board exams.

  32. i have one more question sir
    is it sufficient to solve NCERT problems and previous year questions [2008-2016].plz reply

    1. If you want to get passing marks only, then it is sufficient. In addition to it, also read Modern Physics.

  33. Sir m feeling that i will fail in cbse 2016-17 examination .i jUST wants to pass in all subject give me some tips so that i can clear my boards exams :(

    1. Rahul, still you have enough time, read selected units and chapters which are important and you will get desired marks in the upcoming exams. Don't lose hope. Start solving previous year papers and sample papers. It will boost your confidence. Give attention on all subjects. Keep revising learned units and you will do better.

  34. Sir I have been familiar with topics but I have not meet even once what should I do?

    1. You have 2 months now, I will recommend you to solve previous year papers to get familiar with the important questions and have strong command over them

  35. Sir I don't know anything in physics and I have only 2 months left sir which book I should prefer now....sir plz help

    1. Still you have enough time to score close to 40. Prepare semiconductor, current & Electricity, Atom and Nuclei and chapters you find a bit easier first. Solve last 10 year question paper and you will get good marks. Read our another post "How to Pass in Physics in Class 12 Board Exams?"

      "Arihant Chapterwise Solved Papers 2016-2009 Physics" and "Xam idea" will be good for you.

  36. is this all related to j&k board exams also?? I have only 1 month left for my exams and my physics is very bad. what should I do to get passing marks.. plz help

    1. If it is based on NCERT syllabus then above tips will be helpful. Practice by solving sample papers daily to feel confident.

  37. Sir
    Iam have oswall & arihant with me along with NCERT, can i score above 90

    1. You need to read them as well in order to secure desired marks.

    2. Sir. I have completed my first revesion. Taking sample papers or board paper , which is better ?

    3. First of all solve previous year papers and then look to practice sample papers. It will only make you feel confident and will help in better preparation.

  38. i m preparing for neet (on 7th may) ncert enough (xi and xii)

    1. NCERT is more than enough for NEET provided you have complete command over it.

  39. Sir, I have wasted my whole 12. Now regretting very much. But still have a hope of scoring above 90 in physics.I have only and only 1 month left.What I do sir. Please help.

    1. Your first target should be to score over 45 in theory. Have a realistic target and don't put much pressure on yourself by aiming too big. Now study from notes and revise learned chapters frequently. Solve more sample papers and previous year papers.

  40. Sir is arihant previous years exam questions book is enough for numerical
    I had focused only on theory so can u help me to tell that for numericals which book can help xam idea or arihant

    1. Numericals can be prepared from any book of your choice. It carries 13 to 15 marks, so also focus on other portions. Both books that you have mentioned are helpful.

  41. hello sir is studying just from question bank 7 yr question paper will it give me 90+ marks

    1. It will boost your preparation but not sure that it will help you to get over 90. Have a realistic target. For scoring above 90, you must not simply rely on previous year papers.

  42. Hello sir,
    As said the 2017 physics paper would be tough I am kind of worried. I got 50/70 in preboards. I am having difficulty in magnetism and sometimes left clueless for few questions. Suggest a plan for studying Physics. I have already attempted 5 sample papers from Arihant and found that few questions were out of syllabus(not sure if they might ask that). Like it was way beyond the understanding. I really want to score above 60 in Physics and ready to dedicate 4 days. 15hrs each day now. Suggest me as to how do I achieve the target. Thanks and great work in answering all the queries promptly. Really appreciate that

    1. Hi, if you got 50 in preboard exam, it means your preparation is going well and you can easily get over 60 in board exams. If sample paper questions are out of syllabus, leave them. Your preparation should revolve around NCERT topics only. Now you should revise more and practice derivations and numericals regularly. If you are facing difficulty in magnetism, solve some MCQs and see if your doubts are clearing or not. Concentrate equally in all chapters. Optics and Modern Physics should be given proper attention. Solve last 10 year question papers also.

    2. Okay thanks a lot for the reply. But my question is how do I prepare myself in those 4 days? Should I do all the derivations and solved exampleas and last7 year papers(chapter-wise) or follow some other course of study such as doing all the back questions..( which I think will be a Herculean task to do in 4 days). Please guide.

    3. Revise formulas and practice some numericals. Solve few sample papers and previous year papers. Avoid learning new stuffs. And don't leave too much for those last 4 days.

    4. Yes sir. Sure I am not gonna leave it to the last 4 days before exams. Thanks a lot for the advice. First thing no new stuff right? And yes, can I be assured that I can get above 60? Like chances..

    5. Yes, avoid learning new stuffs now and focus entirely on revision. Do your best and don't think much about marks. Do what is in your control and don't worry too much about result or it will only put pressure on you.

  43. Hello sir may be u can solve my problem . How can I prepare my physics board exam I want to get 65out of 70. Please solve my problem

    1. If you want to achieve that many marks then you must have completed your syllabus till now. And in that case, you should now focus entirely on revision and solving previous year question papers and sample papers. Now avoid learning new topics. Practice numericals of different topics daily. Keep revising learned formulas. You will do well.

  44. hello sir
    i am going to start my 12th classes and how can i study physics so that i can score good marks in my exams.

    1. Hi tanu, It's nice that you are thinking to start preparing for class 12 board exams so early. Give couple of hours to Physics daily, solve numericals and sample papers. Read NCERT topics carefully. Self study is the key and you will succeed.

  45. Hi sir, please can you help me for most imps and what should I do . As now without counting about English as I am prepared for it I have not much time for studing for physics due to health problems but now I am ready but I have only 6 days left for preparation and now I worried which topics I should read and see and I also not good at numerical and 2 more subject are left to prepare are maths and chemistry I can manage maths but chemistry .....Please help fast as U can and can U get some topic for physics so I can get nearly 35 up so my total including practical get 60 percentage ....����

    1. For important topics, read our another post "How to Pass in Physics in Class 12 Board Exam ?" Now when you don't have enough time, prepare through notes. If you are not good in numericals, leave them as they carry 13 marks only and focus on Optics and Modern Physics. Go through last 10 year question papers also. You will get desired marks.

  46. Sir,my fear is that i'm getting confused with the 10 mark derivations,how to get clear of it?

    1. Practice them by writing. Don't waste more time in doing derivations only, move ahead and revise other topics too.

  47. Sir I'm not able to concentrate on physics ..... N I feel sleepy whenever I tried to study it.,.... Which book should I prefer to study electronic becoz I'm not able to get it from ncert.,,..

    1. Take interest in it. Electronics is an important chapter. You can take help of Xam idea or others, but ensure that you are covering all NCERT topics.

  48. Sir I am entering in class 12 after 1 month my 11 is not good I got 65 to 70 percent but 10 cgpa I. Class 10 I want to give my all in 12 and again want to be a topper. So could you please suggest me books in physics SL ARORA VS PRADEEP for my self study .as my tuitions classes not started yet I want to learn concept by self study and then. Revise it in tuitions SP SL ARORA VS PRADEEP......PLZ

    1. You can opt for Pradeep but it should not mean that the other book is not good and should try to cover only those topics which are in NCERT.

  49. Sir only one month and seven days are to go before board exams. I completed electrostatics, Capacitance and dual nature of matter i know other topics too but not very good at them what i can do to get 65+ marks in physics out kf 70.

    1. Have a realistic target. If you want to score 65 out of 70 then you must prepare every unit well. Also focus on semiconductor and Optics. Then, opt for solving previous year papers and sample papers regularly. Revise learned topics frequently. You will get desired result.

  50. Is it important to solve exercises from ncert only for board preparation

    1. It solely depends on you. Some questions have been asked from there in previous years.

  51. Sir is it important to cover all the topics of reference book or only the topics given in the NCERT textbook for getting good marks in physics?

    1. You should cover only NCERT topics for board exams and can use reference books for understanding any topic properly.

  52. Sir is additional exercise is important in GSEB BOARD

    1. Sorry, I could not see your comment, I hope my comment will help other students. Additional exercise is not important for board exams

  53. After studying physics chapters I forgot them even a small formula

    1. Forgetting is common. Try to revise learned topics regularly to get rid of forgetting them.

  54. Sir I'm not knowing where to start from , should I start from the beginning chapters or from the smaller chapters
    What to do sir
    Where do I start from kindly suggest sir


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